Приглашение, виза во Францию,
документы для заключения брака во Франции.
Чтобы оформить приглашение для вашего друга, обратитесь в ОВИР по месту жительства. Нужно будет заполнить бланк, несколько справок, небольшая оплата, оформление займет 2 – 4 недели. Вы можете также зарезервировать ему гостиницу или квартиру в вашем городе.
Наши клиенты могут купить авиа билеты и получить визу, без официального приглашения с вашей стороны. Вам нужно будет только по его приезду зарегистрировать в вашем ОВИРе местопребывание вашего друга по вашему адресу, если вы зарезервировали для него квартиру. В случае с отелем, эту регистрацию делает отель.
Чтобы Вы смогли приехать во Францию, Вам необходимо получить от него официальное приглашение (attestation d’accueil). Информацию о том, как его оформить, можно посмотреть на нашем сайте по ссылке, которую Вы можете передать Вашему другу: https://www.partner-services.com/femmes-russes-visa.php
Для оформления этого приглашения вам нужно ему послать скан-копию загранпаспорта и сообщить ваши данные, латинскими буквами:
Список документов для получения визы во Францию
В бланке на запрос визы обязательно указать вместе с адресом номер телефона пригласившего.
Заключение брака во Франции.
Для заключения брака во Франии необходимо собрать нужные документы. Самое первое и основное что должен сделать жених – обратиться в мэрию по месту жительства и попросить досье для бракосочетания – dossier de mariage. Во Франции разные мэрии просят различные документы . Большинство мэрий требуют личного присутствия невесты в момент подачи документов на брак. В этот момет вы подписываете также документ, что вы даете честное слово, что не имеете никаких препятствий для брака. В досье для бракосочетания будет все написано.
Не забывайте, что вам потребуется внутренний паспорт и загран-паспорт, годный по крайней мере еще 3 месяца после возвращения домой. (После заключения брака вы вернетесь к себе получать во французском посольстве визу на 1 год, и если ваш паспорт скоро будет негоден, лучше получить новый.)
Если после развода вы оставили себе фамилию бывшего мужа, то вам придется ее менять на девичью и получить новый паспорт. Во Франции такие правила – ваша девичья фамилия всегда будет присутствовать на документах, и французы не понимают, что означает в вашем паспорте фамилия чужого вам мужчины.
Для заключения брака во Франции, для подачи документов в мэрию потребуется от невесты:
Certificat de coutume – Свидетельство о правомочии на вступление в брак. Получается во Франции в посольстве вашей страны. Иметь при себе оба паспорта – внутренний и для заграницы, если вы были замужем – то справку о расторгнутом браке и свидетельство о разводе.
Certificat de celibat – свидетельство о том, что вы холостая. Для тех, кто не был ранее замужем. Получается во Франции в посольстве вашей страны вместе с “Certificat de coutume”. Иногда это объединяется в один документ – Certificat de coutume et celibat. Для Казахстана требуется справка о несудимости.
Для украинок нужно сделать у нотариуса в Украине документ о том, что у вас нет препятствий к браку – нотариусы знают текст, апостиль ставить не надо. Если не сделали, то не страшно – ваш Certificat de celibat в посольстве будет стоить немного дороже, но понадобится ваше присутствие, чтобы удостоверить вашу подпись. Оплата – чеком.
Эти два сертификата (coutume et celibat) можно запросить по почте, прислав чек на имя украинского посольства (с подписью, но без даты, 100€ если срочно, 50€ в теч. недели, уточнить сумму ), копию главной страницы загран. паспорта, копию свидетельства о разводе (если были замужем), заявление на имя консула с просьбой прислать по почте сертификат, оригинал документа от нотариуса и конверт с адресом вашего жениха.
Consulat d’Ukraine a Marseille : 38 rue Roux de Brignoles 13006 Marseille FRANCE tel.
a Paris : 21, avenue de Saxe 75007 Paris FRANCE tel:
Для русских документ от нотариуса в посольстве не требуется, но требуется ваше присутствие с двумя паспортами – внутренним и заграничным. Оба сертификата выдаются через три дня, можно запросить и оплатить в посольстве их пересыл по почте. Для оплаты сертификатов требуется банковская карта. В русское посольство в Париже нужно записываться заранее на их сайте – запись и страница с нужными вам справками
Нужно взять две справки :
1. Справка о гражданском состоянии для заключения брака (certificat de coutume / celibat)
2. Справка о том, что дубликаты документов ЗАГС выдаются только один раз в связи с их утерей или порчей
(если ваше свидетельство о рождении выдано было более 6 месяцев тому назад)
Если ваш жених живет на юге, то лучше ехать в русское консульство в Марсель.
Консульство в Страсбурге : 6, place Brant 67000 Strasbourg; тел.
Для белорусок нужно предоставить оригинал и копию справки из вашего ЗАГСа о семейном положении, с апостилем; оригинал и копию свидетельства о рождении; заявление в своб. форме на выдачу сертификата (или если вы не были замужем, то на запрос обоих сертификатов), копии 3х страниц паспорта: с фотографией, с русско-белорусским написанием ФИО и с пропиской; копия визы или вида на жительство; чек на сумму по 35 евро за каждый сертификат, либо если вы идете в посольство лично, можно оплатить с помощью банковской карты. Если вы посылаете документы по почте: 38, boulevard Suchet, 75016 Paris, France , то вложить конверт с маркой и обратным адресом. Подробнее – на сайте посольства : france.new.mfa.gov.by
если вы уже были замужем
а также может потребоваться:
Порядок действий:
Лучше всего сделать так : поставить в вашей стране апостили на оригиналы требуемых документов (кроме справки из домоуправления) и приехав во Францию, заказать здесь все переводы (делайте сразу три перевода свидетельства о рождении, они вам понадобятся после), тогда на переводах уже будут все нужные печати, и делается это довольно быстро; certificat de coutume / celibat взять в посольстве вашей страны во Франции (не забудьте внутренний паспорт). Если вы приехали во Францию на месяц и более, вы можете успеть зарегистрировать брак за это время, подав документы и пройдя собеседование в мэрии – если мэрия не будет против, то через 2 недели после подачи заявления и публикования “les bans” можно уже регистрировать брак . Можно заранее составить у нотариуса доверенность на получение ваших документов близкому человеку, который в случае чего сможет получить за вас недостающие документы, поставить апостиль и прислать быстрой почтой.
После подачи документов, мэрия публикует объявление о предстоящем браке (les bans). Брак можно заключать через 10 дней после публикации (и до 3 месяцев). Через 10 дней после публикации объявления, если нет опротестований, мэрия посылает в посольство вашей страны свидетельство об отсутствии опротестований – certificat de non-opposition. Можно попросить его выдать жениху, чтобы он прислал вам почтой. После этого можно получать визу невесты.
Вам может быть полезной информация на форуме русских во Франции
Для визы невесты нужно, чтобы ваш будущий муж вам прислал:
Attestation bancaire / Свидетельство о существовании банковского счета и его нормальном функционировании .
Вместе с полученными от него документами в посольство нужно еще предоставить:
До заключения брака мэрия проводит собеседование с женихом и невестой, вместе или отдельно. Если невеста находится за рубежом, то собеседование может быть проведено в консульстве страны, где она проживает. Собеседование нужно для того, чтобы убедиться, что вы хорошо знаете друг друга, что ваши ответы совпадают, что ваше решение обдуманно и брак не является фиктивным.
При собеседовании вам могут задать вопросы:
Информацию о том, какие документы необходимо оформить Вашему будущему супругу можно найти на нашем сайте в информации на французском языке : https://www.partner-services.com/femmes-russes-visa.php , можете ему просто передать эту ссылку.
После заключения брака нужно будет вернуться в свою страну и получить во Французском посольстве визу на 1 год, на основании вашего свидетельства о браке. По новым правилам, для этой визы теперь нужно сдать экзамен на знание основ французского языка.
Если вы поменяли фамилию в предыдущем браке, то вам понадобится также для посольства свидетельство о рождении и свидетельство о прошлом браке (как основание для смены фамилии), с апостилями и переводами на французский язык.
Russian business visa for foreigners
Getting a business visa to the Russian Federation for foreigners
A business visa to the Russian Federation for foreigners is a popular choice, as it opens up more opportunities compared to tourist or private visas.
We issue business invitations in two ways:
- Through the Department of issuing invitations to foreign citizens at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on behalf of our company accredited with the department;
- By assisting the client’s company in obtaining registration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, followed by issuing invitations directly on its behalf.
Invitations issued in any of these two ways are guaranteed to be accepted in all Russian consulates abroad as the grounds for a business visa.
The costs and terms of a getting a commercial invitation for foreigners.
Business invitations
List of countries
Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam. And also for residents of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
If you do not have citizenship of one of these countries, then you need to attach a document (notarized translation) confirming the right to permanent residence: a residence permit or a work visa.
Telex MIA | URGENT Telex MIA | |
Single or Double entry | ||
1 month | 17-20 business days | 8-9 business days |
3 months | 17-20 business days | 8-9 business days |
Multiple entry | ||
6 months | 17-20 business days | 13-14 business days |
1 year | 17-20 business days | 13-14 business days |
Business visa application
Validity periods of Russian business visas
The main advantage of getting a business visa to Russia is its validity period – it can be issued for a period of up to one year, but has a standard restriction: the actual period of stay of a foreigner on the territory of the Russian Federation can be no longer than 90 days within a 180-day period. In addition, an important parameter is the possible number of entries during the period of validity of the visa. The business visa can be:
- Single-entry valid for 1 month or 3 months;
- Double-entry valid for 1 month or 3 months;
- Multiple entry valid for up to 1 year period.
You need a business visa to Russia if:
- The purpose of a trip is a business visit to the Russian Federation – negotiations, contracts signing, participation in exhibitions, conferences or other meetings and events of a business nature;
- Foreign specialists are being invited as consulting experts when installing or maintaining imported equipment installed on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- A foreign citizen who already has a business visa has to take their family members with them;
- You are a foreign citizen who plans to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation for more than one month, or simply wants to be able to enter the territory of the Russian Federation more than once. It is possible to issue a commercial invitation, even if the foreigner does not yet have an invitation from a company in the Russian Federation, since we can also arrange the invitation on our own behalf.
Getting a business visa to the Russian Federation
Overall, the process of obtaining a business visa to Russia is not very different from the procedure for obtaining other types of Russian visas, and consists of the following steps:
Step I. Getting a business invitation
A business invitation to Russia is a mandatory document for obtaining a business visa. A business invitation to the Russian Federation can be issued in electronic form (telex). Unlike the hard copy, a digital invitation or a telex does not require sending any documents by mail, instead, it is sent directly to the consulate in electronic form as soon as all checks are completed and it is ready. Upon sending the electronic invitation, we will send you an e-mail with the information about the telex, which will contain the telex number and the date when the telex arrives at the consulate. This information must be included in the form for obtaining a business visa.
Step II. Applying for a Russian business visa at the Russian Consulate.
You have to consult the consular office of the Russian Federation or their official website for the full information about the necessary documents, the time of processing a visa, and the size of the visa fee. In order for to receive a business visa to the Russian Federation, the following set of documents must be provided:
- passport;
- business invitation issued by a company located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- completed application form from the official website of the consulate;
- photograph;
In addition, at the consulate, when issuing a business visa, documents such as a cover letter issued by the inviting company may be requested. It is not uncommon for foreigners to apply for a business visa to Russia in a country that is not the country of their citizenship. Remember, that a foreign citizen has the right to apply for a Russian business visa at any Russian consulate outside the Russian Federation. In this case, however, in a number of countries, they would be required to provide a documented permit for continued residence in the state of application for more than 90 days.
Sample commercial (business) visa to Russia
Stage III. Register your business visa upon entering the Russian Federation
After obtaining your business visa, you need to take care of the registration. Under the current law, foreign citizens are required to register at the place of their residence within 7 working days, not counting the entry day. It is important to note that if you have a multiple-entry business visa, you will have to register every time after you cross the border.
A business visa to Russia for foreigners is the most convenient type of visa to obtain, because it has a wide range of features. We make different types of invitations for obtaining a business visa to the Russian Federation for foreign citizens and assist them in the registration.
Business visa support to Russia
In order to travel to Russia an entry visa is of mandatory acquisition for the majority of foreign visitors: the visa must be obtained before submitting an application to the Russian consulate or any other competent issuing entity in your country of citizenship or residence. The Russian border authority will deny entry to the Russian Federation to any traveler lacking an appropriate visa, whenever such document is required. The documents for the visa application vary according to the visa category (Tourist, Business, Work, Study, Transit, Private and others) and may differ from country to country. Down below you will find a list of documents that the Russian consulate usually requires in order to file a visa application:
Documents usually required by the Russian consulate in order to issue a business visa*:
- visa application form
- Original Passport
- Photograph
- Business Invitation letter
- Official documents issued by the foreign citizen’s employer and the hosting company that provide detailed information on the applicant’s work position and on the kind of activities he is going to pursue in collaboration with the hosting company.
- Medical insurance valid in the territory of the Russian Federation and fully covering the period of the trip
*the list is included as an example and is by no means accurate or complete. Please refer to the Russian consulate in your country of residence for more detailed information on the specific entry visa requirements according to your citizenship.
Visa Support: Business Invitation Letter
Order online a Business Invitation Letter to Russia
With Russian Tour you can obtain an official business invitation letter to Russia that will allow you to apply for any type of Russian business visa, from a double entry, 3-months visa up to multi-entry, multi-annual visa! You can send a visa support request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Business Invitation letter, digital copy
Digital .pdf copy of your invitation letter, ready in 1 working day:
Duration | Entries | Price |
1 month | one | €60 |
1 month | two | €60 |
3 months | one | €60 |
3 months | two | €60 |
6 months | multiple | €75 |
1 year | multiple | €75 |
2 year | multiple | €170 |
3 year | multiple | €190 |
The annual multi-entry invitation in digital form can be requested only by those who have already had a 6 months or annual business visa on their passport. The 6 months multi-entry invitation in digital form can be requested only by those who have already had a 3 months or a 6 months business visa on their passport. With this type of invitations, more information can be requested by the Consulate regarding your job and your partners in Russia.
Business invitation letter electronic version
By requesting the Electronic delivery, your business invitation letter will be sent directly to the consular office where you have submitted your visa application. Take notice: the application requirements vary from country to country and your local Russian consular office may not be equipped to receive documents through Telex legal documents delivery system
Duration | Entries | Ready in: | price |
1 month | one | 8/10 working days | €159 |
1 month | two | 8/10 working days | €159 |
3 months | one | 8/10 working days | €169 |
3 months | two | 8/10 working days | €169 |
6 months | multiple | 13/15 working days | €229 |
12 months | multiple | 13/15 working days | €239 |
Other visa-related services
Travel Insurance
Visa Registration
Every foreigner who travels to Russia should have his Russian visa registered within 7 working days upon arrival (Federal Law #42-FZ). If you are traveling to Russia for more than 7 working days you will need to register your visa. Russian Tour can help you carry out your visa registration quickly and effortlessly! Please visit the page Russian visa registration to find out more.
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Russian Business Visa Invitation. How much it cost in 2020?
What is the Russian Business Visa Invitation?
Business invitation to Russia is a document required to obtain a business visa which you need to enter Russia. You can obtain such a visa for a period up to 5 years but you can stay under this visa continiously only 90 out of each 180 days.
Table of contents:
Information on this website is available in the following languages:
Russian, English.
Key information
Invitation for a business visa to Russia: rules and prices
Validity period | From 30 days to 5 years |
Visa multiplicity | Single, double and multiple-entry |
Processing term | From 5 minutes (online) to 21 days |
Average cost | from 40 to 240$ |
How does a Russian Business Visa Invitation look like?
Appearance of the business invitation differs depending on the type of invitation.
There are 3 invitation types:
Invitation letter from an organization | Hard copy, original is not required, facsimile copy is enough |
Invitation on the letterhead of the MIA | Hard copy, original is required (printed on the protected MIA letterhead) |
Electronic invitation from the MFA | Invitation is sent directly to a Consulate, you get its number |
How does an invitation letter from an organization look like?
Invitation from an organization is written in the free manner. Your personal data and a period of planned staying are indicated there.
Remember. Such invitation can be obtained only in that Consulate which you have indicated in your invitation.
- Online in 5 minutes;
- Valid for up to 5 years(!);
- Doesn’t require delivery.
- Doesn’t available for all countries. Only for the EU countries, USA, China, India.
How does an invitation on the MIA letterhead look like?
Invitation on the letterhead of the MIA is printed on a special paper protected from a counterfeit. Such an invitation is required to be sent by post to a country where you want to obtain a visa.
- Available for all countries.
- Require delivery;
- Waiting for up to 21 days.
How does electronic invitation from the MFA look like?
Electronic invitation with all personal data is sent through the internal communication system (Telex) directly to a Consulate. You receive a voucher which you can forward via email or print and submit it to a Consulate.
Remember. Such an invitation you can obtain only in that Consulate which is indicated in your invitation.
- Doesn’t require delivery;
- Available for all countries.
- More expensive than on the letterhead of the MIA;
- Waiting for up to 21 days.
Where to get a Russian Visa Business Invitation?
I have told above that there are several types of business invitations. Now let’s go to the review of companies where you can buy an invitation. At the beginning of the list are those, which have automated system for working with clients. Companies with automated systems allows to serve customers better and cheaper. If that list of companies isn’t accurate, tell about it in the «Q&A» section.
So, what do you want to buy?
Where to buy an invitation letter from an organization?
You can buy an invitation from several companies. I have overviewed companies providing such service and I recommend invitations from the Online Service in the 2019 and 2020 because this service is the most convenient and the cheapest. Also you can get acquainted with the list of all companies providing such a service.
Invitation on the letterhead of the MIA
You need to wait for up to 21 days in order to get these invitations. There is a list of companies with the most convenient order forms, online payment and optimal prices below:
Electronic invitation from the MFA
You need always wait for 21 days for these invitations. There is a list of companies with the most convenient order forms, online payment and optimal prices below:
What to do after getting the invitation
After you obtain your invitation, it’s easy. There is a short list of actions.
- Bear a valid passport
- Get invitation to Russia
- Get medical insurance
- Complete a visa application form on visa.kdmid.ru and print it
- Glue a picture 3,5х4,5 cm of you on a form
- Pay a consular (visa) fee
- Submit or send documents to the Russian diplomatic authority (passport, invitation, insurance, application form, receipt)
- Wait from 1 to 10 calendar days * and get a passport with a visa inside
* — Only for the EU citizens. It is from 3 to 20 business days for others
Additional information
- Visit purposes of business invitations to Russia
- Legislation
- Q&A
Quick review video:
Visit purposes of business invitations to Russia
The following visit purposes may be indicated in the invitations:
- business: if you are going to perform business negotiations, visit an exhibition or a conference
- commercial: if you are going to Russia to meet suppliers or to conclude a contract with a Russian company
- technical maintenance: if you are going to visit Russia to install, to make adjustment or to repair the equipment purchased from foreign manufacturer
- crew member:: if you a member of a crew of sea or river vessel, railway train, scheduled or Charter aircraft
- accompanied family member: if you are going to visit Russia as a family member of a person who bears a business visa
The following legal acts were used to write this article:
If you have any questions ask them in the comments to this article. I will try to answer them all.
Visa Support for Russian Business Visa
1 | Fill out a form for invitation letter | 2 | Get a link for your order and pay for it | 3 | Get your invitation letter to Russia the way you indicated it in your order | 4 | When you have all the documents for Russian visa, go to the consulate of the Russian Federation |
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- Hotels: the amount of the deposit depends on the terms of each specific hotel
- Excursions: 100% of the Total cost should be paid upon reservation. 90% of this amount is REFUNDABLE if You cancel Your Booking 15 days before the Tour Departure date. 10% of Your prepaid amount is NONREFUNDABLE (cancellation fee)
- Transfers & Visa Support: 100% of the Total Transfer price should be paid upon reservation and is NONREFUNDABLE.
- Tours: 100% of the Total cost should be paid upon reservation. 90% of this amount is REFUNDABLE if You cancel your Booking 30 days before the Tour Departure date. 10% of Your prepaid amount is NONREFUNDABLE (cancellation fee)
- As soon as Your card is charged the amount of the deposit, a payment confirmation will be e-mailed to You.
- The balance due (if any) is to be paid upon arrival.
- If You cancel your booking, You will be charged the cancellation fee according to our Cancellation Policy.
- No refund shall be given, if You fail to show up on the service no matter the reasons or circumstances.
Cancellation Charges
- Canceling a booking with results in cancellation fees being applied. TravelRussia.SU will charge cancellation fees as stated below.
- Apartments. Any cancellations on accommodation bookings cause a cancellation fee equal to one night room rate.
- Hotels. Cancellations on hotels acommodation bookings cause a cancellation fee equal to one night room rate or the amount of the deposit depends on the terms of each specific hotel.
- Tours. If You cancel Your Booking 15 days before the Tour Departure date the cancellation fee is 10% of the Total Tour price. The Tour cancelled later will cause the cancellation fee equal to the Total Tour Price (100%)
- Excursions. If You cancel Your Booking 30 days before the Tour Departure date the cancellation fee is 10% of the Total Tour price. The Tour cancelled later will cause the cancellation fee equal to the Total Tour Price (100%)
- Visa Support & Transfers. Any cancellations cause a fee equal to 100% of the total price.
- If any of the listed services booking falls in a special event period (including but not limited to Trade Fairs, Public or National Holidays, New Year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter), any cancellation will cause a fee equal to 100% of the total package (please request to specify)
Booking Process: online
- Online booking works for all travel services.
- To book accommodation, activities, visa support or transportation online, you will need to take 4 simple steps:
1. Choose product
To make Your booking, please choose the desired service, dates and number of persons (if needed), after that click the “BOOK NOW” button.2. Review rate details and restrictions
You will see the service You have chosen, travel dates and number of persons, as well as the price and the deposit automatically calculated according to the service chosen.3. Enter Your contact details and preferences
Enter Your contact details (to be kept confidential) and product preferences (additional information: pick-up, etc.) After You have completed the boxes, click the “Confirm” button. Your booking will be forwarded to our manager for processing.4. Print out Your booking confirmation and choose the way of payments.
-To pay by credit card on-line
-Print out Your booking confirmation and send us Your CC details by fax
-To pay by Western Union or other transfer systems
-To pay in Saint-Petersburg in our office (your friends) - If no confirmation is received from You within 48 hours, the booking will not be valid.
- Keep Your booking confirmation to present it at the destination.
- An invoice can be sent for the ordered services on Your request.
- The balance due (if any) is to be paid upon arrival.
Booking Confirmations
The booking confirmations will be provided for each booking service.Our Responsibility
- The company, its agents and suppliers accept no responsibility for any sickness, pilferage, labor disputes, machinery breakdown, government restrains, acts of war and terrorism, weather conditions, defect in any vehicle of transportation or for any misadventure or casualty or any other causes beyond their control.
- If there are any force major circumstances making TravelRussia.SU unable to provide the Customer with the service reserved, the company has right to substitute it for a similar service or apartment of the same level or higher.
- All travel documents/vouchers are issued subject to the terms and conditions specified by the company, its agents and suppliers.
Privacy policy
TravelRussia.SU is concerned about protecting the safety and privacy of its customers. Please click here to review our current Privacy Policy, which also governs your use of www.TravelRussia.SU to understand our practices: Privacy Policy.General legal terms
- These Terms and Conditions, and Your relationship with TravelRussia.SU under the Terms and Conditions, shall be governed by the law of the Russian Federation. You and TravelRussia.SU agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Russian Federation to resolve any legal matter arising from the usage of www.TravelRussia.SU.
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Russian business visa invitation support. Visa requirements.
A Russian business visa is the best solution for foreign nationals visiting Russia on official or private business. This type of visa is suitable for those who do not know their exact itineraries, want to stay in Russia longer than 30 days, or who have to make frequent visits to Russia. In comparison with Russian tourist visa it gives more flexibility in traveling and staying in Russia.
Standard Russian business visa is issued for up to 90 days and with up to 2 entries per visa. There are also multiple-entry visas valid for 3, 6 or 12 months with unlimited entries and exits.
There are three options to get Russian business visa support (to be invited in Russia for business purposes): to receive a Russian business visa letter of invitation, Russian business visa company letter or special Russian business visa confirmation telex instead. All types of Russian business visa support can be obtained on the basis of special request from registered Russian company or travel agency to the state authorities asking to issue Russian Business visa letter of invitation or Russian business visa confirmation telex for you.
Russian business visa letter of invitation and Russian business visa company letter should be submitted to the Russian Embassy or Russian consulate with filled in visa application form when you apply for your business visa. Please note that Russian business visa letters can be sent to your address by UPS express mail at the additional fee.
If you choose Telex confirmation for Russian business visa it is necessary to know its number only. This type of Russian business visa invitation will be send by telex directly to the Russian Consulate’s address at your choice and where you are going apply for your Russian business visa. Simply fill in this number in Russian visa application form.
There is a limitation on lenght of stay in Russia also called as 90-days rule. If you plan to obtain 6 and 12 months multiple entry Russian business visa letter of invitation, please be informed, that according to the Russian migration legislation you cannot stay in Russia for more than 90 days in every 180 days-period. You must leave the territory of the Russian Federation and then re-enter for the other 90 days. Please note that the 180-day Russian visa period regarding the 90-day restriction rule starts from the first day of your first arrival at the territory of the Russian Federation (Russian border crossing), not from the date of the Russian visa issuance. Limited-entry Russian business visas of shorter duration shall not be subject to the 90-day rule.
You also should know that every Russian business visa must registered when you arrive in Russia for more than 7 business days. Russian visa registration is one of most important thing to do for foreign nationals visiting Russia. Due to the 90-day rule a Russian business visa can be registered in general for 90 days only. Detailed information regarding business visa registration in Russia and Russian visa online registration support provided by Visalink you can find out at the Visa registration section.
Any way, if you have Russian business visa and plan to stay in Russia of more than 90 days Visalink recommends you to check this issue in advance to ensure that remaining in Russia will not result in a violation of Russian visa and Russian visa registration regulations.
Visalink offers trusted Russian visa online support service for obtaining Russian business visa invitations and/or Telex confirmations for Russian business visas (also called Russian business visa support).
On our website you will find information about our pricing policy for Russian business visa invitations (also called as letter of invitation, LOI), Russian visa requirements, different types of Russian business visa letters of invitation and telexes available, time needed to prepare each type of Russian business visa letter of invitation or telex, an address of the Russian Embassy or Consulate.
When ordering Russian visa online support you should not send any original documents to us. All necessary information for your Russian business visa letter of invitation or telex is collected through our online order form. This makes the process of issuing of Russian business visa letter of invitation or telex much easier and faster.
When you apply for the Russian business visa itself (after you have obtained a Russian business visa invitation or telex trough Visalink’s website), however, you will need to send your passport directly to the Russian embassy or Russian Consulate address. Once all the documents are submitted the Russian Embassy or Russian Consulate make the final decision about issuing your visa to Russia. Visalink provides a professional services to obtain official authorization (an invitation – letter of Invitation, telex) of your person only and can not affect on their decisions.
Need a Russian Business Visa support? Put Visalink work for you.
Russian business visa invitations
To prepare any Russian business visa letter of invitation or telex we require:
on-line completed Russian business visa application form (please register on our website first)
a copy of your valid passport with at least two clear leafs of a page (on overleaf). Passport must be valid for six months at least after the date you would have departed from Russia (your passport needs to be valid for at least six months beyond your length of stay), and be in good, proper condition. Colored copy of your passport is always preferable, and for some types of invitation a colored copy is essential.
a copy of your previous Russian visa for some types of Russian visa invitations
PLEASE NOTE: The prices and conditions of services for Russian business visa invitations are not valid for countries within Asia, Africa and Latin America (with a few exceptions). Please contact us directly for more specific information regarding these countries.
How to obtain Russian business visa at the Russian Embassy or local Russian Consulate
In general the following documents must be submitted to your local Russian Embassy or Russian Consulate to obtain a Russian business visa:
Valid national passport with at least two clear leafs of a page (on overleaf). Passport must be valid for six months at least after the date you would have departed from Russia (your passport needs to be valid for at least six months beyond your length of stay), and be in good, proper condition.
3 recent passport photographs.
For a stay exceeding 3 months, or a multiple-entry visa, the results of an HIV test are required.
A Russian business visa invitation (provided by Visalink).
Prepaid consular fee.
Please visit relevant Russian consulate or Russian Embassy website to get updated information.
Business Invitation for Russian visa
1. What is the invitation letter and why I need it?
In accordance with Russian law for getting Russian tourist or business visa you must have an invitation letter. Tourist invitation consists of two parts – the tourist confirmation letter (“подтверждение о приеме иностранного туриста” – in Russian) and the travel (tourist) voucher – in this documents there is necessary information which needs to apply the application for Russian tourist visa (name of travel organization, its address, reference and confirmation numbers). Business invitation from Russian Organization is a document in Russian language – in this document there is necessary information which needs to apply the application for Russian tourist visa (name of travel organization, its address and TIN number).
2. What kind of invitation I need to get Russian visa?
If your trip is planned for up to 30 days, choose a single (or double) tourist invitation. If you would like to visit Russia several times or over 30 days – choose business invitation for six months or for one year. For most Russian consulates it’s enough a copy of invitation (for Europe, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China and others). Business invitation letters is appropriate only for EU, US citizens and some others. For UK citizens we can give FMS electronic invitation. (business invitation letter is not appropriate for UK by Russian Consulate rules).
3. What organizations can issue invitations for Russian visa? (IMPORTANT)
Invitations can only issue by officially tour operator which have license in accordance with 132 Russian Federal law. As you can see in a license of the Ministry of Tourism of Russian Federation (Rostourism) we are guaranteed to have the right to provide these services till 31.01.2023. This means that you are guaranteed to get a visa to Russia without any problems. (our license) Also you can check the license on the website of the Federal Agency for Tourism Don’t let our highly affordable prices fool you into thinking our quality isn’t good. All official tour operators provides identical invitations (the content of invitation approved by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation), so the main thing with choosing a company is – valid license, price, convenient website, rush service and responsive communication
4. Is your service secure and reliable?
Our company has been providing this service since 1992, each year we prolonging our accreditation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our reference number is confirmed by Russian tourist license, which is pretty expensive in Russia by law (only the bank guarantee for tourism cost 30 million rubles per year – about 500 000 USD, also there is a lot of another fees), so we are very interested that each customer get Russian visa and recommend our service to his friends and partners. Also for keeping high level of security our website based on https protocol – all data which we receive are well protected
5. Why are invitations of visatoruss.com have a good price?
P.S. our service provide invitations for Europe, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan citizens and others. For some another countries price can be higher.
6. How do get Russian visa with this invitation?
Print your invitation. Make a color photo, health insurance and other documents (a full list of documents to specify the consulate or visa application center in your country). Fill out the form on the website of the Consulate of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs visa.kdmid.ru. Specify the tourism as a purpose of your trip, specify travel company, specify the name of travel organization, address, reference and confirmation (voucher №) numbers and the hotel(s) that listed in your invitation. Visit Russian consulate or visa application center, and after 3-5 days after your visit of consulate or visa application center you can get your Russian visa.
7. Is your service trustworthy? (IMPORTANT)
Yes, and it’s ok question when you visit website of company which based in foreign country and you are going to buy something. And this company is not Apple Inc, Ebay or similar. Here are the arguments that say that we are trusted and reliable company and you can check it by yourself 1. Valid license, each year we make a lot of papers, fees and reports for authorities to prolong it. In section LICENSE you can find more information about it. And here you can check it online on official website of Russian tourist authority Rostourism. Now our license is valid till 31.01.2023. 2. We use extremely secure payment providers as Stripe (for any types of cards), Apple Pay, Google Pay and Paypal. And by the way they made a strict verification of our company too before they allow to use their service for payments. 3. All your data is protected by respectable internet Security Company as COMODO GROUP.
8. Is your invitation appropriate for Airbnb, Booking.com or similar services?
If you are planning to stay in Russia in apartment of your friends, booked an apartment using Airbnb service, or hotel using Booking.com (or similar) service, or have not yet decided in what place in Russia you are going to stop, in all this cases to obtain a visa to Russia our invitation letter is appropriate for getting Russian visa.
9. Common mistakes in application form.
Most often, our customers make mistakes in the passport number, and sometimes we receive an applications with wrong e-mail. Also check your travel dates – tourist visa can be issued only for 30 days (for example 09.12.2016 – 08.01.2017 – it’s 31 days). Carefully double-check all the data in application. The invitation with mistakes can rejected by Consulate.
10. How you can still help the tourists coming to Russia?
Our company are supporting with the following additional services:
If you need some support you can contact us.